If you are the more particular type, you might want to try setting up your table Options to "Exclude New Users". When you do this, you will only be seated with people who have played at the site for several games - complete newcomers are not allowed. Some people feel that this Option keeps out the riff-raff. Here's a screenshot of that table Option:
Exclude New Users |
You can get even more exclusive with your games by checking the "Registered Players Only" Option:
Registered Players Only |
Note: the above table Options will only be applied when you click on a game panel. If you click on a table from the "list of tables", you may be choosing to override these Options. Each table in the "list of tables" shows you what Options were used in creating it.
Finally - if you do not know how to change your table Options, here's how: click the Options button for the game of your choice, and the Options panel will appear. Here's a screenshot of the Spades game panel, with the Options button encircled in green:
the Options button for Spades |