Sergeant Major - Online & Free | Play Classic Card Games

Sergeant Major (3-5-8): Play Online for Free (Solo & Multiplayer)

Get ready to team up, bid smartly and outplay your opponents in this exciting trick-taking game. Three Five Eight, also known as Sergeant Major, is a 3-player game much like Spades.

The game is available to play online for free and requires no download or registration. You can play against the computer, and if you feel prepared for it, you can join a public table to play against people online. You can even setup a private table and invite your friends and family to play.

Play Sergeant Major (3-5-8) online - Sergeant Major card game screenshot


Sergeant Major is a 3-player trick-taking game played with a standard 52-card deck. If you're completely new to the game, we suggest you go through our guide on how to play Sergeant Major. If you've played it before, we've summed up the rules below.

At the start of each game, each player is dealt 16 cards, with the remaining 4 cards forming what's called a "kitty". The objective of the game is to take tricks, and a game is won when a player takes 12 or more tricks in a round.

Each player has a certain number of tricks they should target to take. The dealer's target is 8, the target of the player to the left of the dealer is 5, and the target of the player to the right is 3. When a game starts, the dealer picks a trump suit, discards 4 cards and grabs all the cards from the kitty. The player to the left of the dealer leads the trick, and the next player follows suit.

Unless a trump card is played, the highest card of the lead suit wins the trick. The trick winner starts the next trick. Once all cards have been played, under-trickers and over-trickers exchange cards based on the difference between their actual tricks and their target tricks. The dealer then calls trump, discards and takes cards from the kitty.


In Three Five Eight, you'll want to not only communicate effectively with your partner to maximize your bidding potential but also to try to hinder your opponents from reaching their goals. You'll want to be strategic when playing to achieve the required number of tricks to fulfill your bid.

We've summarized the most important points below. Applying those strategic points, you should be able to take your game to the next level.

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How do I play against the computer?
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How can I play with friends?
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How can I forbid robots at my table?
Click the Options icon and set Bots to No. You will now be seated at a table where robots cannot be invited. Be aware that it may take longer for the table to fill up with this setting.
Why should I register?
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What can I do if I accidentally blocked or muted someone?
Click Settings in the top right corner or the Profile icon in the bottom menu. There you'll see a Manage blocked players area with a list of blocked players. Click on the Remove link to undo the block, so you will be able to play with this person once again. The same goes for muted players.
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