Changelog History

Here, you'll find a comprehensive and detailed list of all the updates, improvements, bug fixes, and changes made to our platform throughout its history.

We believe in transparency and continuous improvement, and this changelog serves as a testament to our commitment to providing you with the best online card gaming experience possible. As you explore the extensive list of changes, you'll see how our platform has evolved over time to meet the needs of our players and adapt to new technologies. So dive in, and discover the journey that World of Card Games has taken to bring you the ultimate gaming experience!

March 5 2025
ImprovementOverhauled AI strategy for Whist bots to correctly prioritize taking tricks rather than avoiding them, ensuring bots now play high cards appropriately and use trumps effectively.
ImprovementOverhaul Pinochle AI strategy to prioritize passing high trump cards and then low trump cards.
Bug fixFix bug that would make redeal on Canasta not work after 3 redeals.
March 4 2025
Bug fixMake sure people are kicked when missing too many turns.
Bug fixImprove banned message for VPN users.
Bug fixFix browse tables modal not updating.
February 20 2025
Bug fixMake inviting to private table work properly.
Bug fixMake sure that people get kicked when missing too many turns.
February 19 2025
Bug fixFix Canasta bug that would make bots freeze after score hits 1500 points.
Bug fixFix minor Euchre bug.
Bug fixFix miscellaneous Whist bugs.
February 15 2025
ImprovementLet people choose their seat when being invited to a game.
Bug fixFix password reset bug.
February 12 2025
New gameWhist is introduced as the newest addition to World of Card Games.
Bug fixCanasta: Fix buttons disappearing when people leave.
Bug fixGin Rummy: Fix sort bug.
Bug fixGin Rummy: Show correct colors on users and scoreboard.
Bug fixFix sound bug.
Bug fixFix Legacy avatars bug.
ImprovementMake sure that users won't automatically join a game older than 2 minutes.
ImprovementShow team colors when browsing open tables.
February 5 2025
Bug fixFix people getting disconnected when playing a game.
Bug fixFix Canasta bugs.
ImprovementFix layout for Canasta.
January 29 2025
Bug fixFix Pinochle bugs.
Bug fixFix Canasta bugs.
ImprovementEnable signin while playing a game.
ImprovementReduce users turn duration if person drags out time continuously.
ImprovementBan VPN's.
ImprovementRemove heart widget.
January 11 2025
Bug fixFix Canasta bug where bots would freeze when picking up the discard pile.
Bug fixMake bots in Canasta discard black threes more often.
Bug fixMake sure that melding always works in Canasta.
ImprovementMake indicator for when discard pile is blocke and frozen.
January 9 2025
Bug fixFix Canasta bugs.
January 2 2025
Bug fixFix Canasta bug that caused bots to stall when going out.
Bug fixFix Canasta bug that would would make bot meld instead of going out.
Bug fixFix Pinochle bug that would make bots freeze when choosing trump.
Bug fixFix bug that would show "Finding table" when starting a new game.
December 30 2024
Bug fixFix Canasta bug that would make bots stall.
Bug fixMake countdown work properly every time.
Bug fixFix 2-minute pause for public games.
Bug fixImprove profanity filter.
December 28 2024
ReleaseCanasta has now been released in early beta. Have fun!
December 14 2024
Bug fixFix bug that makes people join private tables.
December 11 2024
Bug fixFix Pinochle bots faulty playing style.
Bug fixMake sure that a user can rejoin a private table.
ImprovementAdd invite functionality to public tables.
October 20 2024
Bug fixFix issue related to ads.
Bug fixFix issue related to Hearts freezing.
September 15 2024
Bug fixFix bug relating to guest users not being able to play real people.
September 13 2024
Bug fixFix "View private tables" being reset when hosting a game.
September 12 2024
ImprovementKeep chat open after game ends.
Bug fixFix Pinochle meld issue.
Bug fixFix Pinochle minimum meld requirement bug.
Bug fixFix Pinochle rules description issue.
Bug fixFix leave button not working on game over screen.
August 7 2024
Bug fixMake sure that extra private tables are saved and shown correctly.
Bug fixFix "Can't sit here" bug when joining a game.
ImprovementShow whether game only allows experienced users when browsing tables.
Bug fixFix messaging bug.
ImprovementAdd "Invite link" funworldctionality when playing on a private table.
ImprovementAdd "Invite" button for liked players on private table.
Bug fixFix Sergeant Major card placement bug.
August 5 2024
Bug fixFix bug that would make people join the wrong table when browsing tables.
July 31 2024
Bug fixAllow humans to replace robots on private tables.
Bug fixShow melds in single-deck pinochle.
ImprovementMake sure that four of a kind is always played as four of a kind on a knock in Gin Rummy.
Bug fixMake sure the tables modal updates correctly.
ImprovementAdd game start timeout of 10 seconds.
Bug fixShow extra private table names in tables modal.
ImprovementAdd scroll to top button.
Bug fixDon't warn or timeout people when leaving a game playing againts bots.
ImprovementAdd back more of the old avatars.
July 3 2024
ImprovementImprove design for leaderboard and strategy guides.
June 3 2024
Bug fixFix not being able to join private table.
Bug fixFix message box not showing correctly.
Bug fixFix bug that would make "Host agme" modal not hide.
May 30 2024
ChangeChange 3-5-8 name Sergeant Major which is used more commonly.
ImprovementIncrease the max bid in Double Deck Pinochle to 250.
ImprovementSet a small timeout on hover of the "Play again" button.
May 24 2024
Bug fixFix eternal loading when finding a game and wrong number of seats showing
ImprovementChange the max bid in Double Deck Pinochle to 150.
May 20 2024
New Game!Go Fish has made a re-appearance on the site. It's been updated and can be played by 2-6 players.
Bug fixAnother bug relating to Gin Rummy cards freezing has been fixed. Hopefully that should be the last one.
Bug fixWhen pressing "Play again", then tournament rules should be respected.
May 14 2024
Bug fixAdd further logging to Gin Rummy to fix card freezing issue.
ImprovementMake sure that user is asked before leaving table when clicking links at the top of page.
Bug fixMake sure user joins an empty table when clicking an empty table from the tables modal.
Bug fixFix redeal button not showing.
Bug fixFix menu not showing on hover on landscape.
Bug fixMake sure that game preferences are respected when clicking "Play again".
May 5 2024
Bug fixFix other bug related to Gin Rummy discard issue.
Bug fixFix reconnect issue.
Bug fixMake sure that user is will reconnect to table even though game hasn't started.
May 1 2024
ImprovementJoin recent table or create new when clicking "Play again" to increase likelyhood people will be placed with people from current table.
Bug fixFix Gin Rummy discard issue.
Bug fixFix "Browse tables" not updating.
April 23 2024
Major bug fixFix disconnection issues.
Bug fixFix reconnect issues if game hasn't started yet (especially annoying for ranked tables).
Bug fixDon't penalize user on accidental disconnect.
Bug fixMake sure user can reconnect to same table after disconnect.
April 19 2024
Bug fixMinor bug fixes.
Bug fixShow correct amount of open tables when browsing tables.
Bug fixFix chat bubble size on small screens.
April 17 2024
ImprovementAdded ability to delete user account under settings.
ImprovementAdded ability to flag a message by clicking the message.
April 10 2024
Bug fixFix bug that would timeout people from playing a game.
Bug fixFix suit selector size.
Bug fixFix minor UI glitches.
April 9 2024
Bug fixFix bug that would start non-ranked game when joining a ranked game.
Bug fixAdd back "Tournament rules" ranked option.
April 8 2024
Bug fixFix random card freezing in Gin Rummy.
Bug fixFix menu bug on mobile for paid subscribers.
Bug fixFix bug that would auto-start a solo game for some people when visiting the site.
April 7 2024
Major improvementMoved menu to the bottom of the screen.
Major improvementAdded ability to change browse and change tables when playing a game.
Major improvementImproved card sizes and button placements on mobile and different screen sizes.
March 11 2024
ImprovementShow tables with liked users first.
ImprovementShow online players and add to top of friend list.
Bug fixFix padding on mobile.
February 12 2024
Bug fixLet people on a timeout play on a private table.
Bug fixShow quit ratio on all players.
February 5 2024
Bug fixGeneral bug fixes.
Bug fixFix layout for the "Lost connection" error.
Big improvementImplement system to deal with quitters. People who quit after 30 seconds of having played a game will be shown a warning and if they quit 5 times in a row they will get a 10 minutes timeout.
ImprovementShow users quit rate when hovering over them in the tables section.
ImprovementMake sure that a user can't play on the same table with the same IP.
January 30 2024
Bug fixFix overflowing elo info when clicking an avatar.
Bug fixHide overflowing ads.
ImprovementChange ban time for leaving a ranked game to 1 hour.
ImprovementMake dealer button and other user buttons more noticable.
ImprovementIncrease font size.
ImprovementAdd an empty ranked table under tables if none exists.
ImprovementMake sure that chat bubble doesn't overlay card and make text more noticable.
ImprovementImprove layout for hand and game score.
January 24 2024
Bug fixFix Gin Rummy bug that would cause card to freeze.
Bug fixFix "Play again" bug for ranked games.
Bug fixMake sure top buttons can be clicked on old browsers.
ImprovementSpecify that the quit rate is for the last 50 games.
ImprovementMake countdown sound more mellow.
ImprovementChange wording of "Compete" to "Ranked".
ImprovementAdd link to cancel subscription under settings.
January 20 2024
Bug fixFix bug that would prevent messages from being received in the global messaging system.
Bug fixPressing "Play again" when playing on a private table should now work.
Bug fixIn Gin Rummy, the "Done" button should now disappear after the round is over and the knock button should show correctly.
Bug fixFixed bug where cards would be skewed upwards permantly in Gin Rummy.
January 19 2024
ImprovementsGlobal messaging system have been re-instated. You can "Message" people you've liked by clicking your settings or your username.
Bug fixFix card stock count not showing on Gin Rummy.
Bug fixFix login fields not registering inputs when using a password manager.
January 15 2024
Bug fixBrowse tables modal should now disappear when joining a table if logged in.
Bug fixChange positions of Pass and Accept in Gin Rummy.
January 14 2024
Bug fixFix bug when joining a game from browse tables modal.
January 13 2024
ImprovementChange faulty circle design to diamonds in one of the decks.
ImprovementAdd empty chair symbol.
Bug fixThe correct amount of points should now be given visually to the right user based on trump suit.
Bug fixKnock button should now be visible in Gin Rummy.
Bug fixWhen pressin "Play again", the correct table should now be joined.
Bug fixFix duplicate table listings when browsing tables.
Bug fixMake sure that "Like" and "Block" is shown when a user joins a table.
January 12 2024
ImprovementAll tables are now shown as a default when click "Tables".
ImprovementActive suit on board has become color coded and more visible.
ImprovementContrast has been added to the colored text.
Bug fixChat should now show when tapping "Enter".
Bug fixCards should show more clearly on mobile.
Bug fixLayout when showing cards on Gin Rummy has been improved.
Bug fixClicking "Use legacy avatars" should now save.
Bug fixMake sure that the Elo statistiscs fit inside its container.
Bug fixFix layout bug relating to ads on mobile.
January 10 2024
Major bug fixFixed bug that would reset elo rating for the player who joined the game last. A big thanks for Jon Ness for helping me identify when the bug occured and for everybody for making me aware of it.
Bug fixShow a star on players you liked when browsing tables.
Bug fixFix styling for long names when browsing tables.
Bug fixFix text in buttons on board being too big.
Bug fixFixed layout when browsing tables on Firefox.
ImprovementImprove layout for Gin Rummy game over modal.
January 6 2024
ImprovementImplemented legacy avatars. Enable them under "Settings".
Bug fixFixed scoreboards not working properly on multiple games.
Bug fixFixed bug that would not allow people to join a private game.
Bug fixSound should be working again.
January 5 2024
Bug fixFixed bug that would make some people not able to login, register or reset password.
Bug fixFix layout for wide screen sizes.
Bug fixFix narrow fanning of cards.
Bug fixFix button text size so it's never wider than the button.
Bug fixFix meld layout.
Bug fixFix stats size.
January 4 2024
Bug fixFix bug that would hide chat on private tables.
Bug fixFix bug that would make people join a table when clicking Host table.
Bug fixFix bug that made it impossible for some people to join a private table.
Bug fixChange V to J on faulty Jack of cards.
Bug fixChange stats size so box doesn't cover cards and make the text bigger.
Bug fixMake suit more visible on table.
Bug fixYou can now open the chat log by clicker Enter.
Bug fixFix bug that made it impossible for some to click Leave.
Bug fixFix styling for password reset.
Bug fixAutomatically scroll to top when starting a new game.
January 3 2024
ImprovementEnabled ability to push minor updates without closing server.
Bug fixRanked tables did not show up when browsing tables.
Bug fixFixed bug that made tables not load for premium subscribers.
Bug fixDecreased size of avatars in relation to cards.
Bug fixChat bubble has been moved a big and can be clicked through.
Bug fixFixed chat button not showing up for person who created the table.
Bug fixPrivate table option was missing from game options.
Bug fixFixed miscellaneous styling issues.
Bug fixImproved size of ELO rating on player. Rating can now be seen by clicking both player name and avatar.
Bug fixFixed suit selectors not showing up.
Bug fixChanged the standard wallpaper for old users.
January 2 2024
Major updateMajor update for the design of the game.
September 6 2023
ImprovementImplement auto-ban system.
August 18 2023
ImprovementFixed the accidental scrolling issues on tablets and mobile phones.
LayoutFix mobile CSS.
August 03 2023
Chat moderationCalibrated the in-game offensivenes chat checker so that it won't catch so many false positives.
LayoutImproved the mobile layout for the site.
July 30 2023
SubscriptionsSubscriptions have now been added to World of Card Games. Click "Hide ads" above the ads to become a premium user. The subscriptions even include a free 7-day trial!
Chat moderationI've added an offensiveness checker to all comments. People are still free to write what they want, if they write something offensive, they will be asked whether they're sure they want to write that.
July 26 2023
Bug fixFix bugs related to the blocking system and allow for users who are logged in and played more than 10 games to play from a VPN.
July 23 2023
ImprovementAdded option for webmaster to block abusive players
July 20 2023
Bug fixFix random login/register bug
Bug fixFix Elo hiding below fold in menu
ImprovementAdd scrolling threshold to dismiss accidental scrolls
July 11 2023
Bug fixFixed bug that wouldn't let you change wallpaper
July 6 2023
Bug fixMinor bug fixes
ImprovementChanged animation library to improve smoothness
ImprovementChanged ad update frequency to improve smoothness
ImprovementLazy loading images below fold
May 25 2023
Bug fixFixed minor bugs stemming from last update
ImprovementOptimized ads for smaller screens
May 13 2023
ImprovementAdded rules below games and tutorials
ImprovementSeparate singleplayer and multiplayer more clearly
ImprovementAdd quick-access links for games in top menu
OtherAdd links to sister-site Online Solitaire
Mar 3 2023
OtherUpdate privacy policy add terms of use
OtherChange contact info
Nov 10 2020
OtherSwitch to new CMP
Oct 31 2020
OtherImprove Elo ratings for Hearts so that losers do not gain points
May 12 2020
OtherFix bug that caused login form to overlay cursor sometimes
May 8 2020
OtherMake it possible to sign in from Terms of Use modal
May 4 2020
Bug FixFixed layout issue that caused chat button to get hidden
May 2 2020
Bug FixFixed bug that sometimes caused quit percent to unfairly increment
OtherMove and modify privacy policy, add terms of use
OtherGo Fish is removed
Apr 9 2020
MessagingAttempt fix for bug that causes some messages to go unsent
Mar 14 2020
EuchreFixed bug which caused bots not to over-trump in some cases
Jan 11 2020
EuchreTweaked the bot strategy
Nov 12 2019
Gin RummyFixed a bug that caused cards from the stock pile to reappear if neither player won the hand
SpadesTweaked the bot strategy so that they try to avoid taking bags
Sep 12 2019
Twenty-NineFixed a bug that made it look like 7th card was not trumping when dealer played it
Aug 18 2019
Gin RummyUse GreenSock JavaScript Draggable and TweenMax for drag and drop due to performance issues [reworked]
Jul 16 2019
Gin RummyUse GreenSock JavaScript Draggable and TweenMax for drag and drop due to performance issues [reverted]
Jul 13 2019
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused phantom players to remain in chat lobbies
EuchreAdded 'reverse next' (aka 'crossing the suit') to bot strategy
May 25 2019
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused phantom players to remain at chat tables
May 17 2019
ImprovementAdd more information to FAQ
Jan 19 2019
HeartsTweak the bot strategy for deciding whether to prevent a Moon
ImprovementAdd an informational banner pointing to the cookie policy for visitors covered by the GDPR
Dec 16 2018
ImprovementAdd links to the two different types of ranked Hearts games to the Menu panel
Nov 11 2018
Gin RummyFixed a bug that caused the game over scoreboard to not show up
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused some command keys to fail on Macs
Sep 17 2018
HeartsShow pass direction and hand count at table
Jul 14 2018
SpadesTweaked the bot strategy
Bug FixTable error message can be closed with a close button again
May 23 2018
ImprovementMinor change in logging debugging information
May 20 2018
EuchreFixed a bug that caused bots to misidentify which players are void in a suit
Gin RummyFixed a bug that caused the game to optimize your deadwood incorrectly when your opponent called 'Gin'
May 9 2018
Bug FixFix broken links, and layout of scrollbars, on game homepages
May 8 2018
ImprovementPlayer will automatically exit a solo game table when loading a different game table
May 6 2018
ImprovementAdded separate page to go directly to table for solo card games played against the computer
May 4 2018
Bug FixAmeliorated a bug that caused audio alerts not to play in Google Chrome browser
Apr 29 2018
EuchreImproved bot strategy
ImprovementAdded separate page for solo card games played against the computer
ImprovementAdded separate pages for tutorials
ImprovementGoogle+ and Twitter buttons have been removed to reduce clutter
Apr 7 2018
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused rankings not to show in the list of tables
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused some game rankings not to show in the stats panel or at some tables
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused some tables to vanish from the list of tables
HeartsBots now take advantage of 'Tournament Rules' if it makes sense to avoid leading the Queen of Spades
Mar 31 2018
HeartsAdded a separate ranking system for 'Tournament Rules' Hearts
Mar 18 2018
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused some games to freeze
Twenty-NineFixed a bug that sometimes caused a bot to delay in playing a card
SpadesFixed a bug that caused bots to play erratically after a redeal
PinochleBots now use the jack leadback correctly
Feb 10 2018
HeartsAdded the 'Tournament Rules' option which eliminates the no-pass hand
3-5-8Cards are fanned wider, and can be fanned narrower via the 'Fan Cards Wider' user setting
Dec 25 2017
ImprovementCompute Elo rating expectation using average Elo of team in ranked team games
Gin RummyHand history is now available for download and replay to registered users
PinochleBots now make an aces around bid
Bug FixFixed bug in Twenty-Nine that made it look like trump cards were ignored after joining game in progress
Bug FixFixed bug in Twenty-Nine that made it look like last trick was not credited to trick taker
Bug FixFixed bug that sometimes caused quit percent to increase when leaving an empty table
Jul 8 2017
PinochleBot no longer gives meld bid twice
EuchreImproved bot strategy when defending against loner
Jun 18 2017
Twenty-NineAdded a ranking system
PinochleImproved bot strategy, including Jack leadback
Bug FixFixed bug in Twenty-Nine that caused bots to sometimes time out
EuchreImproved bot strategy
EuchreReduced time allowed to choose the up card or a suit from 20 seconds to 15 seconds
ImprovementPlayers at ranked games are now allowed 3 minutes to rejoin their games if they are disconnected
May 20 2017
PinochleAdded a ranking system
ImprovementElo K for ranking has been changed to 25 for all players
ImprovementAdded a browser 'notification' when your game starts. You can opt-out of notifications
PinochleImprove bot strategy, including Ace-on-Ace leadbacks
EuchreImprove bot strategy
Bug FixFixed a bug that let a player lead hearts when hearts were not broken and they had the Queen of Spades
Mar 19 2017
Gin RummyCards can be sorted left and right, by rank, using the new sort button
Gin RummyPicked cards go to the right of your hand so that they can be more easily moved on tablet devices
Bug FixFixed a rare bug that could cause a player to get stuck at a table
Jan 23 2017
ImprovementAn audio alert plays when it is your turn and you are timing out
Jan 9 2017
Gin RummyMove chat bubble to left so it does not overlap your cards
Gin RummyUse Interact.js for drag and drop in Chrome browsers on touchscreen devices only due to performance issues
Jan 7 2017
Gin RummyDrag and drop has been fixed for touchscreen devices
Gin RummyCards are fanned wider, and can be fanned narrower via the 'Fan Cards Wider' user setting
Bug FixThe F5 key can now be used for page reloads during a game
Dec 31 2016
Bug FixFixed bug in Twenty-Nine that caused game to break if '7th' card was played last
ImprovementSwitch to HTTPS
Nov 30 2016
Bug FixFixed bug that caused audio alerts to fail in Firefox
Bug FixFixed bug that caused Internet Explorer and Edge browsers to be unable to download hand history
Nov 27 2016
ImprovementA Messaging system can now be used by Registered players to contact those on their liked list
EuchreBots are more cautious in ordering the up card when their partner is the dealer
Bug FixFixed bug that caused Go Fish to break when double-clicking on a card
Oct 9 2016
EuchreMake bots more cautious in ordering up
EuchreBots no longer lead with the right bower if their team did not call trump
Bug FixIf 'Hide All Chats' is checked, do not hide chats required for gameplay
SpadesImprove bot strategy when defending and opposing nil
Aug 21 2016
Bug FixFixed bug that caused players to be taken to chat table when clicking 'Play Again' button
ImprovementPenalty for quitting ranked tables has been reduced to a 2-hour ban
ImprovementAdded landing page for each game
Aug 7 2016
Gin RummyDrag and drop has been fixed in Windows 10
Jul 24 2016
ImprovementShow notification when a network disconnection is detected
ImprovementClicking your nameplate, instead of avatar, brings up panels containing players' information
SpadesImprove bot strategy with nils
EuchreImprove bot strategy
PinochleImprove bot bidding strategy
ImprovementList of tables is wider to avoid wrapped lines
Jun 27 2016
ImprovementPause button is available at public tables; all players must click it for the game to pause
ImprovementList of tables is disabled while updating to avoid false clicks
Bug FixFixed bug that caused Double Deck Pinochle tables to sometimes freeze
PinochleFix bot bidding strategy so they don't give you a meld bid more than once
EuchreBots now use the 'next' strategy if possible
EuchreImprove bot choosing strategy
ImprovementRanked players are removed from the leaderboard if they have not played a ranked game in last 2 weeks
Jun 5 2016
Bug FixFixed bug that caused some players to be unable to get to a table
SpadesFixed bug that caused bots to set their partner's nil bid when partner played a Spade
HeartsHand history is now available for download and replay to registered users
May 30 2016
EuchreAdded a ranking system
May 1 2016
ImprovementCards are fanned wider in Twenty-Nine
ImprovementClicking a player's avatar brings up panels containing players' information
Bug FixLogging in is only allowed from the home page, now
ImprovementChat lobbies last 24 hours
Gin RummyFace cards are now ordered correctly when you replace a bot
SpadesImprove bot's trumping strategy
Apr 15 2016
Bug FixModify playspace so that West's chat bubble is not obscured
Bug FixOnly allow fanning of Classic and Anglo-American decks to avoid card resizing
Bug FixResize chat input so it is not obscured by chat bubble
Apr 10 2016
SpadesAdded a ranking system
ImprovementCards are fanned wider in Hearts, Pinochle, and Spades
ImprovementA setting was added to pile trick cards vertically, so they are more easily viewed
ImprovementMove chat bubble so that it does not obscure cards in Pinochle, Hearts, and Spades
ImprovementMove chat button closer to player in Pinochle, Hearts, and Spades
ImprovementAdd an audible alert when your tournament notification arrives
ImprovementSelected suit image is larger in games where the trump suit is chosen
PinochleImprove bidding strategy for bots
Mar 5 2016
HeartsPlayers at ranked games can now rejoin their games, for a limited time, if they are disconnected
HeartsNo-pass phase starts more quickly
Pinochle'Power Pinochle' hand history is now available for download and replay to registered users
Twenty-NineAdded the 'Double/Redouble' option
ImprovementAudio alerts now make use of the SoundJS library, which works on more devices
Gin RummyPlayers can now view the size of the stock pile
Jan 31 2016
ImprovementNew Chat Lobbies can be used to talk to others or post messages outside of games
EuchreFixed message shown to dealer when STD rule does not apply
PinochleImprove bidding strategy for bots
PinochleFixed bug that caused bot to stall out
Dec 8 2015
EuchreAdd new Option to play without 'Stick the Dealer' rule
HeartsShooting adds points to defenders if doing so puts (or keeps) shooter in first place, otherwise points are deducted
EuchreImproved robot strategy
PinochleImprove bidding strategy for bots
ImprovementAdd Welcome banner
Nov 17 2015
HeartsFix bug that caused too many points to be deducted from Elo ratings of losing players
Bug FixThe 'list of tables' has been fixed... again!
Nov 15 2015
PinochleImproved robot strategy
Bug FixThe 'list of tables' now updates every few seconds correctly
Nov 11 2015
ImprovementRegistered players may chat together after a game is finished
PinochleTRAM has been added when it is possible
SpadesHand history is now available for download and replay to registered users
EuchreImproved robot strategy
ImprovementThe timeout at private tables can be increased to 5 minutes
HeartsElo ratings now reward first place finishers only
Bug FixFix performance issue in 'list of tables'
Oct 18 2015
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused some players to be unable to get to an existing ranked table
Oct 12 2015
PinochleBidder Out option is now the default in Double Deck Pinochle
Bug FixList of tables showed some players as ranked when they were not
ImprovementTournament administration panel now has extra information
Oct 6 2015
Bug FixBots may not be invited to a ranked table until the game has started
Bug FixFixed another server side memory leak
Oct 3 2015
HeartsBots may replace humans at ranked tables after the game starts
Oct 2 2015
HeartsAdded a ranking system
Sep 17 2015
ImprovementEuchre hand history is now available for download and replay to registered users
ImprovementButtons in Game Over scroll now show the game name
ImprovementRegistered players can create a new table by clicking on the game name in 'list of tables'
SpadesImproved robot strategy
Bug FixFixed server side memory leak
Sep 3 2015
HeartsImproved robot strategy
ImprovementPlayers may fan cards more compactly in Hearts and Spades
ImprovementPlayers may exclude specific games from list of tables
Aug 20 2015
Bug FixTable listings now display all tables with open seats, again
Aug 18 2015
Bug FixFixed performance problem with Pinochle in Internet Explorer
ImprovementRegistered players may now store 4 extra private table names
PinochleCards are now sorted in standard way, with Aces at the left and weaker cards to the right
PinochleRobots only play an Ace on partner's Ace if they have remaining Ace or have no choice
PinochleIncreased the size of mini-cards, and removed rows with 0 melds, in Meld View
PinochleWhen 'Show Meld' button is clicked, now the total trump-less meld score is shown in addition to individual components
PinochleRegistered players can email themselves the previous hand in Power Pinochle format
Aug 6 2015
New GameNEW GAME!!! Added the game: Double Deck Pinochle
HeartsDecreased the duration of some actions, such as passing cards and shooting the moon display
Jul 28 2015
Bug FixFix issue in hide chats feature that caused server to hang
Jun 16 2015
ImprovementPlayers can now hide all chats using the 'Hide All Chats' Setting under their username
ImprovementPlayers can now hide chats from individual players at their table
Twenty-NineIf a single player is disliked by 3 other players in 29, then they are booted
Gin RummyFace cards are ordered by rank, by default
May 19 2015
Bug FixTime elapsed in Table Info was faulty and has been repaired
Bug FixFixed a bug which caused the player name tooltip to persist in Firefox
Bug FixFixed a bug which caused duplicate 'news!' link to appear sometimes
ImprovementAdd Hearts strategy page
Apr 27 2015
ImprovementTable Listings now display player names
ImprovementGive new users a quick way to choose between playing with bots or with other people
ImprovementIncreased timeouts in 3-5-8
ImprovementSimplify tournament administration to handle single matches
ImprovementIncrease timeouts in tournaments to 1 minute
ImprovementTime elapsed during game is found in the Table Info
Apr 12 2015
ImprovementPlayer count in each game panel is less obscured
Bug FixFixed a bug in Twenty-Nine that made it sometimes appear as if tricks were going to the wrong player
ImprovementAdd tournament administration and direct access to tournaments using a red T icon
Mar 21 2015
New AvatarAdded 7 new Avatars!
Bug FixSun and moon now show up when shooting in Hearts even for smaller screen sizes
ImprovementAdd clickable URLs to enter tournaments
Mar 5 2015
Bug FixFixed a bug that could cause a player to get stuck in a game when they should have been kicked because they missed too many turns
Bug FixCards in Gin Rummy are resorted upon entering a game in progress, if needed
ImprovementNew 'absolute' win statistic counts 1 winner per game, and counts a game as a loss if you quit
Bug Fix'Exclude New Users' option is no longer applied to private tables
Feb 13 2015
Twenty-NineAdded the option 'Allow Seventh Card' for choice of trump suit
Bug FixFixed a bug which sometimes caused cards to not appear when a player joined a game in progress
ImprovementAn audio alert plays when a paused game restarts
ImprovementAdded an option to avoid games that are in progress
ImprovementTable Listings now display how long a game has been going on
ImprovementIt is now possible to use the 'replace robots' link when a player has left a game
Jan 21 2015
New GameNEW GAME!!! Added the game: 3-5-8 (also known as Sergeant Major)
Dec 14 2014
ImprovementFive redeals are now allowed in Spades
Dec 5 2014
EuchreRobots now lead with trump suit cards when going alone
ImprovementPlay/Pause buttons are a bit larger
Bug FixFixed a Hearts bug which made it appear as if an incoming player received extra points
Bug FixFixed a bug which stopped the game panels from appearing on the main page
Bug FixFixed a bug which stopped table listings from appearing correctly
Nov 19 2014
SpadesImproved robot strategy for covering a nil bid in Spades
ImprovementYour chat bubble has been moved further right to avoid obscuring your cards
Bug FixFixed a bug that incorrectly disabled the Accept button in Twenty-Nine
Bug FixFixed a Gin Rummy bug that forbade a player from knocking when they should have been able to
Nov 8 2014
ImprovementPlay/Pause buttons are available at private tables
ImprovementTime limit is increased to 40 seconds at private tables
Twenty-NineTime limit to play a card is increased to 20 seconds
Bug FixFixed a bug that incorrectly allowed a player to knock in Gin Rummy
HeartsFixed a bug that allowed leading with a card other than 2 of Clubs
EuchreImproved robot strategy
Oct 27 2014
ImprovementAdded 'Like Player' button, a yellow star, to help track your favorite players
ImprovementTable listings are now available to show tables with empty seats
Bug FixFixed a bug that sometimes disallowed knocking in Gin Rummy
Bug FixExclude New Users table option has been fixed
Oct 5 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused Gin Rummy robots to time out
HeartsImproved robot strategy against attempts to shoot
Sep 28 2014
New GameNEW GAME!!! Added the game: Gin Rummy
Aug 2 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug that sometimes caused avatars to vanish
Jul 17 2014
SpadesMade more improvements to robot strategy in Spades
EuchreRobots who go alone will now play trump when possible
Jul 3 2014
EuchreImproved robot strategy in picking the lead card
Jun 16 2014
ImprovementMade improvements to robot bid and play strategy in Spades
Jun 12 2014
Bug FixFixed bugs in Twenty-Nine that caused bids not to be visible
May 9 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused some Hearts games to freeze
ImprovementThe login and register boxes no longer close when the page is resized
Apr 20 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused some games to freeze
Apr 19 2014
EuchreRobots no longer overtrump their partner if they are the last to play and their partner will take the trick
Apr 14 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug in Hearts that made hearts selectable before they were broken, leading to 'out of sync' error
Bug FixFixed a bug where clicking on Hearts or Spades game sometimes resulted in a blank table
SpadesChanged confusing wording of 'No Bag Penalty' options
Apr 11 2014
ImprovementRe-added the link to invite all robots at once. When clicked, game starts with robots, who will be replaced by humans when possible
Apr 8 2014
New AvatarAdded 6 new Avatars, including 1 for Easter!
SpadesThere are now three 'No Bag Penalty' options: 'No', 'Yes', and 'Either'
Apr 6 2014
OtherMoved to new server
Apr 5 2014
Bug FixSpades players with 'No Bag Penalty' option checked will not be seated with those who did not check this option
Mar 30 2014
SpadesAdded the option 'No Bag Penalty'
Mar 28 2014
New GameNEW GAME!!! Added the game: Twenty-Nine (29)
Mar 19 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug in Hearts which blocked players from seeing whose turn it was
Mar 17 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused the Hearts game to freeze
Mar 16 2014
EuchreRobots now guard high trump cards
Bug FixFixed a rarely occurring bug that caused a CPU spike
Mar 8 2014
Bug FixFixed a bug that sometimes caused it to appear that a trick was taken by the wrong player in Spades, Euchre, and Hearts
Mar 2 2014
New AvatarAdded 5 new Avatars, including 1 for St Patrick's Day!
Feb 7 2014
EuchreRobots no longer lead with a low trump card when opponent goes alone
Jan 29 2014
New AvatarAdded 3 new Avatars for Valentine's Day!
Jan 25 2014
ImprovementAdded a new table option: Experienced users of the site may now avoid playing with newer users
Jan 13 2014
ImprovementAdded a link to invite all robots at once. When clicked, game starts with robots, who will be replaced by humans when possible
ImprovementIf table options are set to 'private table' with table name 'none', the game starts immediately with robots
Jan 6 2014
EuchreRobots now lead with high trump cards when going alone
Bug FixFixed a bug where clicking on Hearts game sometimes resulted in a blank table
Dec 22 2013
SpadesThe first few times a computer forces your card to be played, a nil bid will be taken into account
ImprovementPrivate table input under Options settings is now selected when displayed
New AvatarAdded 5 new Avatars!
Bug FixAfter clicking Play Again in the Game Over scroll, table info was not always displayed correctly; this has been fixed
Dec 10 2013
EuchreRobots will sometimes 'go alone'
ImprovementOptions settings are now shown in a larger panel
New AvatarAdded 7 new seasonal Avatars!
Nov 26 2013
Bug FixDue to bug reports, the custom cursor has been turned off by default for all browsers except Chrome
Nov 24 2013
ImprovementThe 'leave table' link has been moved away from 'chat log' link to avoid accidentally leaving the table
ImprovementStop chatlog from scrolling upon update, provided you are 'holding' the scrollbar
Bug FixFixed the problem that zooming at 75% or less in Chrome caused a blank screen upon reload
Nov 14 2013
Improvement'Kick Player' button has been replaced with a 'Dislike Player' button
New AvatarAdded 5 new Avatars, including one for Thanksgiving!
ImprovementModify robot strategy when leading a trick in Hearts
Bug FixFixed a bug in Hearts that caused points to be deducted from the score of someone shooting the Moon, when they should have been added to other players' scores
Oct 29 2013
ImprovementTwo new sounds indicating a player left or sat down at the table
Oct 27 2013
ImprovementGong sounds when the game starts
Oct 22 2013
New AvatarAdded 9 new Avatars!
EuchreRobots lead with the right bower when possible
ImprovementResync warning message displays when the cards are reset due to differences between server and browser
Oct 15 2013
Bug FixFixed memory leak caused by animations
Bug FixProfanity filter now works on the scoreboard text
Oct 1 2013
New FeatureAdded the 'Kick Player' button
Sep 3 2013
New FeatureAdded the 'Bots' option
New AvatarAdded 5 new Avatars!
EuchreFixed a bug where a player was skipped on the turn after 'Go Alone' was used
Aug 4 2013
New FeatureAdded a 'Game Info' link at the bottom left corner of each card game that can be toggled to show current total number of game players
New FeatureIn a card game, the lower left links take precedence when resizing the screen, so 'Leave Table' is readily available
EuchreImproved robot gameplay so that trump cards are not needlessly discarded
Jul 28 2013
Bug FixFixed 'synchronization' bug which sometimes caused cards to vanish when refreshing browser
Jul 24 2013
New FeatureAdded a profanity filter option for chat
EuchreFixed a bug in scoring when going alone
New AvatarAdded 8 new Avatars!
Jul 09 2013
Bug FixChange support email address
Jul 08 2013
Bug FixFixed a bug where chat stopped working after first game
Bug FixFixed 'synchronization' bugs relating to being forced to play when taking too long
May 20 2013
EuchreFixed a bug where when someone went alone, after the first trick the game would deal a second hand of cards
May 17 2013
Bug FixFixed multiple 'synchronization' bugs that caused very odd things to happen (cards going to the wrong people, duplicate cards, unequal hands, etc)
EuchreFixed a bug where you could not choose 'Go Alone' if you were in the second phase of considering where you needed to pick a suit
SpadesAdded an extra tip to the 'Help' section for euchre
HeartsWhen someone shoots, their name now correctly fits in the name plate
ImprovementDecreased how long players have to take their turns. This should cause the games to move along at a bit faster pace
ImprovementPlayers who miss too many turns in a row are now booted from the table earlier than they were before
Bug FixFixed a bug where registered players were not being matched with Registered Only tables
May 13 2013
HeartsWhen shooting the Moon or Sun, if adding points to your opponents would cause one of them to take 1st place instead of you, points will be subtracted from your score instead of being added to your opponents
ImprovementPlayers who miss too many turns in a row are now booted from the table a bit earlier than they were before
ImprovementAdded some web links to the 'Help' for each game for more information on each game
Bug FixFixed several bugs behind the scenes
May 11 2013
New FeatureEach individual game now shows how many players are playing that game
ImprovementImproved the speed of the custom cursor when moving it around the screen
ImprovementThe custom cursor is now disabled by default for Internet Explorer 9 or earlier users
Bug FixFixed a bug where the game selectors on the home page would run into the footer bar at the bottom right
Bug FixFixed several bugs behind the scenes that could cause the web server to stop responding
May 10 2013
New GameNEW GAME!!! Added the game: Euchre
ImprovementAdded Game Specific option descriptions to the Help for Hearts. Also added a new FAQ question
Bug FixThe 'Zoom' warning no longer appears incorrectly on later versions of Chrome
Apr 03 2013
New FeatureIf a game has a dealer (Spades and the upcoming Euchre), that person now gets a 'Dealer' chip to denote they are the dealer
Bug FixFixed a bug where in a multiplayer game if a player missed their turn, the game would freeze!
Bug FixFixed a bug that caused chat in chat bubbles to sometimes go outside the chat bubble
Bug FixFixed a bug with the Spades tutorial that showed double suit symbols in the chat bubbles
Mar 30 2013
New FeatureAdded an FAQ which can be found in the bottom right corner
Bug FixFixed a few bugs behind the scenes that should improve game stability
Mar 27 2013
New FeatureAll games now have full rules and strategy available! Click the new 'help' link in the bottom left corner!
ImprovementThe font has been changed to be more legible
ImprovementImproved the Tutorials of all the games to be a bit clearer
Bug FixThe social buttons (Facebook, G+ and Twitter) now will never appear above anything else
Bug FixFixed multiple bugs behind the scenes relating to game stability
Mar 24 2013
New RobotsRobots now have new and different avatars
ImprovementA 'Leave Table' link is now always visible at bottom left corner and you can leave any game at any time
SpadesFixed a bug where the robots would sometimes try to make an invalid move on the first trick (played a spade)
ImprovementThe message box in the bottom right corner of the table now is a bit larger
ImprovementPlayers that miss multiple turns in a row have their turn time limit shortened sooner than before
ImprovementPlayers that miss too many turns in a row are now booted from the table a bit earlier than before
ImprovementThe tutorial chat bubbles should color suit symbols in their correct color
ImprovementiPad users should have a slightly more iPad friendly experience
Mar 23 2013
ImprovementAdded descriptive tooltips to the hand score and game score to explain what they are. Also separated them a bit from each other
ImprovementThe menus now disappear after selecting an item, this makes it easier to see your change and is less confusing
Bug FixFixed an issue where hitting 'Play Again' would sometimes cause the table layout to become messed up
Bug FixFixed multiple bugs behind the scenes to make everything a bit more stable
HeartsFixed a bug where if a user leaves after a TRAM, the new user would see the pre-TRAM cards in addition to the next rounds cards
HeartsFixed a bug relating to being forced to pass cards when taking too long to select some
Mar 21 2013
New FeatureAdded pie charts for the 'Most Played Games' in the statistics window
New FeatureAdded Win/Loss ratio bar in the statistics window
Mar 20 2013
New FeatureYou can now view individual game statistics in the statistics window
Mar 19 2013
New FeatureAdded statistics! View them by clicking the 'stats' link next to your username at the top.
Mar 16 2013
New FeatureYou can now click on your Username to show your user account page
New FeatureAdded a Change Password form to the user account page (registered users only)
OtherRemoved the settings menu and moved these settings to the user account page
New FeatureIf you miss too many turns in a row, you will be removed from the table
ImprovementThe number of players online now shows up right away (before it took up to 30 seconds to show)
Bug FixFixed a bug where private tables without names were matching each other
Mar 13 2013
OtherAdded a privacy and cookie policy link to the about box.
Mar 6 2013
Bug FixI have fixed many bugs that caused the games or robots to become unstable and stop working. More bugs remain and I am working on them.
Feb 26 2013
New FeaturePrivate Tables can now have names. This allows you and your friends to play on the same table together
HeartsFixed a bug. Now the Queen of Spades can now be led even when hearts are not yet broken.
HeartsAdded the option 'Allow First Turn Hearts'
HeartsFixed a bug where the Robots would not dump the Queen of Spades or Heart cards until after someone else broke Hearts
Feb 25 2013
New GameNEW GAME!!! Added the game: Spades
Feb 14 2013
ImprovementThe site should load much faster now, especially when using Chrome
Feb 07 2013
ImprovementThe cursor is now MUCH faster when moving it around the screen
ImprovementThe login and register boxes can now be closed by pressing escape
Jan 25 2013
ImprovementIf you leave a solo game (just you and robots) you now have 1 hour to return instead of 10 seconds
Jan 24 2013
ImprovementChanging wallpapers now happens twice as fast
Dec 28 2012
Bug FixFixed a bug where you would get just a black screen when visiting the site
Bug FixThe Invite a Robot chat tips now appear in the correct places and they now accept clicks themselves
Dec 27 2012
ImprovementThe wallpaper menu now has larger preview sizes for several wallpapers
ImprovementPressing escape will now correctly close open menus, about boxes, chat logs and table info
Dec 26 2012
New DeckAdded the new 'Ninaste' deck!
New DeckAdded the new 'Azzedar-san' deck!
ImprovementThe register and login forms now give live feedback about any errors while filling out the form
ImprovementThe current game name now appears as a watermark in the center of the table until the game starts. It can also now be found in the Table Info
Bug FixThe Chat Log now correctly shows the usernames of players who left the table
Bug FixThe Chat button and bottom right messages no longer sometimes appear underneath the footer bars
Bug FixThe scroll bars now correctly respond to clicking in the track to jump around
Nov 1 2012
New FeatureYou can now turn on a card Drop Shadow effect in the Options menu. This may cause slower performance
New FeatureThe Custom Cursor can now be turned off in the Options menu
New FeatureYou can now turn Hardware Acceleration on in the Options menu. This may cause slower performance
Oct 24 2012
New DeckAdded the new 'Torres' deck!
Aug 17 2012
ImprovementAbout box now closes when you press Escape or click outside the about box
ImprovementThe social buttons from Facebook, Google and Twitter are now hidden when playing a game
Aug 16 2012
New FeatureAdded Facebook Like button, Google +1 button and Twitter tweet button
Aug 15 2012
New WallpaperAdded over 50 new wallpapers!
Aug 13 2012
ImprovementYou can now leave a table that is underway, so long as that table is a solo game
ImprovementChat Bubbles stay on screen longer depending on how long the chat message is
ImprovementThe scroll bars in the menu are now a bit more visible
ImprovementThe active player pulsating pulsation now stands out more
Bug FixButtons are now sized large enough so that the text in them is readable
Bug FixSafari 5.1 now correctly rotates cards
Bug FixFirefox now correctly shows the Game Over scroll
Bug FixFixed some minor layout issues on the Game Over scroll
Bug FixThe about box is now smaller so it shows up correctly in smaller browser windows
Aug 3 2012
HeartsWhen someone shoots the Moon or Sun, there is a nice pretty screen that is displayed to notify players of the accomplishment
Aug 2 2012
HeartsA TRAM button is now available when you are guaranteed to take all remaining tricks
HeartsFixed some assorted bugs with robot players making incorrect decisions
New FeatureThere is now a 'Table Info' link at the bottom left corner that shows the current table options
ImprovementIf you get disconnected for some reason, it will automatically try and reconnect
OtherHelpful tooltips for actions now stop showing up after you have performed the action twice (instead of just once)
Aug 1 2012
New FeatureThere are now 'Forgot?' links on the sign in form in case you forget your user name or password
Jul 26 2012
ImprovementAnimations are now much more smooth thanks to hardware acceleration being used now
Jul 25 2012
ImprovementCards in your hand are now larger
OtherCards now rotate both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions, whichever is the shortest path to it's destination angle
Jul 24 2012
ImprovementCards in your hand are now fanned out in an arc, like many do in real life
Jul 23 2012
HeartsThe robot players are better at keeping spades for protection when they have the Queen of Spades. They also now correctly dump their Queen of Spades when given the chance
HeartsFixed that prevented hearts from being led even though the Queen of Spades had been played
OtherThe pacing of Go Fish game messages has been sped up
Jul 21 2012
ImprovementThe Game Over screen looks much nicer now with new scroll graphic and a better layout
Jul 20 2012
ImprovementCards now move more smoothly from one spot to the next
Jul 16 2012
New FeatureIn solo games, you no longer have a turn time limit (thus, the Pause button has been removed)
ImprovementThe menu bar is now always visible and the style is a lot less cluttered
ImprovementGreatly improved performance when moving the cursor around the screen and using the menus
OtherYou are now disconnected if you are idle for over 12 hours.
Bug FixFixed a problem where unselectable cards in some decks appeared selectable
Jul 1 2012
New FeatureYou can now 'Pause' the game if you are playing by yourself
Jun 29 2012
New FeatureUser names can now include unicode characters like Renée
Jun 28 2012
Bug FixFixed the cursor when mousing over unselectable cards to not be a pointer
Bug FixFixed links in the About box being unclickable
Jun 25 2012
New AvatarAdded over 100 new Avatars!
Jun 22 2012
New FeatureAdded the about box, including the change history
Bug FixFixed the Wallpaper menu so it shows a scroll bar when needed
Jun 21 2012
New WallpaperAdded over 40 new wallpapers!
Bug FixFixed the position of the Chat Button to correctly be in the far bottom left corner
Bug FixFixed a bug that when re-connecting you were sometimes kicked from your active game
Jun 20 2012
New FeatureAdded a 'chat log' link at bottom left corner
New FeatureIf you miss turns, you will have less time for your future turns. Returns to normal once you take a turn again.
HeartsIncreased play card turn duration to 25 seconds (was 20)
HeartsIncreased pass/choose turn duration to 35 seconds (was 30)
Go FishDecreased turn duration to 20 seconds (was 30)
Go FishAdded instructional messages if it's your first time playing
OtherIncreased Chat Bubble display duration to 5 seconds (was 3)
OtherThe turn hourglass now appears when 15 seconds remain (was 10)
OtherChanging wallpapers now has a fade in animation
Jun 17 2012
OtherAdded a Zoom warning if the browser's Zoom level is not set to 100%
Jun 14 2012
New GameNEW GAME!!! Added the game: Hearts
May 30 2012
New FeatureTooltips have been added to various places, such as the 'Click to Play' tooltip on the main game selector screen
Apr 26 2012
New FeatureAdded a 'private' table option
Apr 23 2012
New GameOur first game is available! Added the game: Go Fish
Feb 26 2012
New FeatureAvatar support added!
Dec 15 2011
First EntryWorld of Card Games first started being developed on this day!